
What students need fundamentally in academics today is not information, they need inspiration. They can get information from the library as well as google. Once they are inspired, the face to face interaction with teachers/coaches, and technology available will help them excel in whatever they choose to study. With the technology and tools available, we can help students master concepts in Mathematics like never before. We need to constantly seek ways to get students to care about excelling in learning and all areas of LIFE.” 

-Amos Tarfa [Founder, Learning Institute For Excellence (LIFE)]

Math & Education Consultant

We believe that excellence in education comes not only by an efficient curriculum, but also by the ability for a student to be encouraged and given purpose in everything they do. When enrolling in a ToolsForMath course, we provide the student with the opportunity to meet online regularly with a coach. Here a student may talk freely with their coach on struggles, accomplishments, comments, and concerns related to their current work. This provides the opportunity for the coach to assist and encourage the student to keep them on track toward the destination. With these tools on hand, we believe that anyone has the ability to master mathematics.